National Rover Council
The National Rover Council (NRC), first formed in 1979, is the governing body of Rovers in Australia. The NRC represents the interests of each of the Branch Rovers Councils and Rover Scouts in Australia at a National Level, aiming to develop and support the Rover program in Australia.
National Rover Council
The NRC Executive are peer-elected by the Branch delegates at the annual National Rover Council Conference. The NRC Executive take on the day to day operation of the NRC and are responsible for following up on decisions made by Branches at the meetings, liaising with the branches on the development and implementation of Rover Scout initiatives, representing Rover Scouts at National committees and councils, and representing Australian Rover Scouts at international Scout forums and conferences. The core NRC Executive is comprised of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Training Officer, and Secretary, with support from standing Project Officers. The NRC may also choose to create roles for specific projects and events such as Roverscope or the Rover Centenary.