National Rover Council Vacancies

National Rover Council Project & Team Positions
Are you interested in getting more involved with Rovers at a national level? Think your ideas and passion for the Rover Scout section will help keep us moving forward? If you answered YES! then check out these awesome ways you can get involved now!
All roles are open to currently invested members of the Rover Scout section.
Applications are now open for the NRC Treasurer, Training and Develpoment Officer, and the Diversity and Inclusion Officer, See the items below for more info.
National Rover Council Team vacancies (now till January 2024)
Treasurer - National Rover Council
Are you experienced in financial managment and feel passionate about supporting Rover Scouts all across Australia. The NRC is seeking a Treasure to fill this vacancy.
1. The position of NRC Treasurer shall only be open to current invested Rover Scouts.
2. Nominees must be eligible to remain a current invested Rover Scout for the duration of their term of office.
3. Nominees must have obtained a Certificate of Proficiency as either a Youth Program Leader or Program Support Leader and be working towards Scouting Leadership.
4. Nominees must be able to attend other National meetings as the representative of the Rover Scout Section.
5. Nominees must be able to attend the next NRC Conference.This role forms part of the broader NRC Team, and joining them through to the end of the NRC Conference in January 2024. Expressions of Interest in the role are open and can be emailed to
1. Develop and maintain the NRC budget, in conjunction with the NRC Chairperson and incoming Treasurer. Present the proposed budget at the first Remote meeting each year.
2. Ensure all accounts, receipts and records are maintained in accordance with the requirements of the Scout Association of Australia’s obligations under the Charitable Fundraising Act1991(Cth)and as outlined in Scouts Australia’s Policy & Rules.
3. Provide a financial summary of the NRC accounts and transactions at each meeting.
4. Work with the National Support Team to ensure all NRC transactions are made from/to the appropriate account, in a timely manner.
5. Calculate any costs and levies owed to the NRC, and work with the National Support Team to issue invoices to the relevant party.
6. Ensure that all non-budgeted expenditure is proposed to and approved by the NRC or in urgent circumstances, by the NRC Chairperson.
7. Oversee the development and management of NRC project patrol budgets.
8. Update and maintain the NRC’s financial procedure documents.
9. Advise the NRC of finances required to maintain its various projects, and of the
means available to raise such funds.
10.Plan for the financial security of the NRC Operations Account and Rover
Development Fund.
11.Be responsible for a two-month handover to their successor.
12.Prepare and deliver an actuals report for the NRC Conference.
13.Attend NRC and NRC Executive meetings, producing agenda items relating to these duties.
14.Other administrative and general duties appropriate to the position.
15.Reports directly to the NRC Chair.
Training and Development Officer - National Rover Council
Are you experienced in Rover Training and Development and want to explore opportunities for Rover Scouts across Australia to get more involved? The NRC want you!
1. The position of NRC Training and Development Project Officer shall only be open to current invested Rover Scouts.
2. Nominees must be eligible to remain a current invested Rover Scout for the duration of their term of office.
3. Nominees must have obtained a Certificate of Proficiency as either a Youth Program Leader or Program Support Leader and be working towards Scouting Leadership. Preference is given for a Wood Badge completion.
4. Nominees must be able to attend other National meetings as the representative of the Rover Scout Section.
5. Nominees for the position must be experienced in Rover Training & Development.
Expressions of Interest are open and can be emailed to
1. Ensure that the concepts and benefits of Rover training and development are
promoted widely across all Branches and represented nationally.
2. Encourage Rover Scouts to take an active interest in the development and running of Adult Training Pathways.
3. Chair the meetings of the Branch Rover Council Officers responsible for the Training & Development portfolio.
4. The NRC Training & Development Project Officer will attend, represent, and make a written report on relevant NRC activities and projects at meetings of the National Training Committee, National Adventurous Activities Committee, and the Scouts Australia Institute of Training Operations Committee.
5. Investigate external training and development opportunities and community
6. Ensure that training courses and development opportunities are promoted to the NRC.
7. Coordinate any training related workshops that may be held during meetings of the NRC.
8. Advocate for Adult Training courses that are accessible to Rover Scouts in the
content, format, and presentation.
9. Advocate and support pathways into appointed training and development roles across Scouts Australia.
10. Advocate for Rover Scouts in regards to leadership courses that are a part of their Achievement Pathways.
11. Attend NRC and NRC Team meetings, producing agenda items relating to these duties.
12.The Training and Development Project Officer will produce an Annual Report for the NRC Conference detailing the work done which is relevant to these duties.
13.Reports directly to the NRC Vice Chair.
Diversity and Inclusion - National Rover Council
Do you have a vision for Rover Scouts to become more inclusive? The NRC want you to fill this vacancy.
1. The position of NRC Diversity and Inclusion Officer shall only be open to current invested Rover Scouts.
2. Nominees must be eligible to remain a current invested Rover Scout for the duration of the term.
3. Nominees must demonstrate relevant knowledge on diversity and inclusion issues facing Rover Scout aged youth.
4. Nominees are encouraged to have obtained a Certificate of Proficiency as either a Youth Program Leader or Program Support Leader.
Expressions of Interest are open and can be emailed to
The NRC Diversity and Inclusion Officer is responsible for the coordination of Rovers Australia vision of an inclusive section that actively seeks to encourage and support diversity within Scouts Australia. Specifically, the NRC Diversity and Inclusion Officer should:
1. Lead the strategic direction of the Rover Scout Section in Australia in relation to its diversity and inclusion efforts.
2. Organise and lead the NRC diversity and inclusion subcommittee consisting of
members from each Branch and establish a clear communication channel between NRC D & I objectives and Branch D &I objectives.
3. Liaise with Scouts Australia in relation to the wider organisations aims and objectives in relation to diversity and inclusion, making recommendations on behalf of the Rover Scout section.
4. Develop policies and recommendations for the NRC in relation to increasing diversity and representation at a national level.
5. Coordinate – with Branches – workshops and other developmental opportunities to increase Rover Scouts’ awareness of Australia’s diverse society.
6. Seek to form partnerships with reputable third-party organisations active in the diversity and inclusion space.
7. Liaise with the NRC Vice Chairperson for assistance on establishing any projects or activities with a D & I purpose.
8. Attend NRC Remote meetings and NRC Team Remote meetings.
9. Produce an Annual Report for the NRC Conference detailing the work done which is relevant to these duties.

Roverscope Review Project Officer
Expected length of project: 4-6 months
Roverscope is a major activity organised and run by Rover Scouts at Ventures and Jamborees to promote the section to participants.
We are looking for someone who is interested in leading a review into the AV2018 and AJ2019 Roverscope activities and updating the Roverscope guidelines to include advice from past Roverscope Coordinators.
NOTE: This role does not require you to be the next Roverscope Coordinator.
For more information please read the full position description below
Think you have what it takes?
Email applications to

Rover Retention Working Group
Expected length of project: 12 months
The National Rover Council is on the search for someone who can support growth in the Rover Scout section with further interaction with the program.
Eligibility –
You must be a current Rover Scout or Rover Scout Advisor and remain current until the end of the expected length of the term.
Duties and Responsibilities –
This role requires you to:
Organise and lead a working group consisting of members from each branch.
Produce a midterm report, due the 31 December 2023, detailing all work to date and future planning, to be presented at the Rover Scout Conference in January 2024.
Review retention policies and procedures in each branch to evaluate best policy and recommendations.
Survey Rover Scouts and Venturer Scouts nationally on retention and why people leave Scouting.
Explore strategies the Branch Rover Councils can utilise to increase their retention rate.
Laise with the NRC Vice-Chairperson for assistance.
Attend and report at NRC meetings.
Think you’re the right person for the role? Email your Expression of Interest to the NRC Vice-Chair, Sam De Rota before the 23 June 2023!
BPSA Name Project Officer
Expected length of project: 12 months
The National Rover Council are seeking Rover Scouts who are interested in organising and leading a working group to investigate the naming of the Baden-Powell Scout Award, accessing suitability, relevance and member views on the issue.
Eligibility –
You must be a current Rover Scout or Rover Scout Advisor, and remain current until the end of the expected length.
Duties & Responsibilities –
In this role, you will be required to:
Produce a midterm report, due by the 31st of December 2023, to be presented at the National Rover Conference in January 2024, detailing all work to date and future planning.
Produce a comprehensive report at the conclusion of the investigation outlining results and recommendations, due by the 30th June 2024.
Explore the suitability and relevance of the BPSA name, and survey Rover Scouts and other youth members nationally to determine views on the issue.
Report to the NRC Vice-Chairperson.
Attend and report at NRC remoting meetings.
Email your Expression of Interest to the NRC Vice-Chair, Sam De Rota by the 23 June 2023!
Rover Development Project
Expected length of project: 8-10 months
The National Rover Council is on the search for someone who is interested in the “big picture” of Rovers – we are seeking someone to write and promote a survey to Venturers who did not continue to Rovers, Rovers who left before turing 26 and as well as current Rovers.
This is a fantastic opportunity for someone who is passionate about the development of the Rover Scout section.
This survey will explore a number of topics such as:
- What do people love, and dislike about Rovers;
- What are some of the barriers to regular participation are;
- If they could change one thing about Rovers, what would this be?;
- Why did Venturers not continue to the Rover Scout section?;
- Why have people left your crew before 26?;
- What improvements can be made at National, Branch and Region levels to provide a better experience?;
- Etc.
The results of these surveys will be reviewed by the Project Officer, alongside the NRC Executive, and relevant projects developed from here. These projects will be passed on to future Project Officers.
Think you have what it takes?
Email applications to including a brief statement about why you are interested in taking on this challenge, and the experience and knowledge you would bring to the role.
Mental Health Resource Officer
Length of term: 12 months
Are you passionate about mental health? Do you want to help Rovers develop the skills needed to tackle these issues?
The NRC is looking for a Mental Health Resource Officer.
This person will be responsible for leading a team in developing resources and guidelines for supporting the mental health of Rovers, as well as providing suggestions as to what training the Rover Section may benefit from in these areas.
For more information please read the full position description below
PO – Mental Health Resource Officer
Think you have what it takes?
Email applications to including a brief statement about why you are interested in taking on this challenge, and the experience and knowledge you would bring to the role.
Respectful Relationships Officer
Length of term: 12 months
Everyone deserves the right to feel safe and to be treated with respect.
The NRC is looking for a Respectful Relationships Officer.
This person will be responsible for leading a team to explore and recommend strategies to promote respectful relationships in the Rover Scout section.
For more information please read the full position description below
PO – Respectful Relationships Officer
Email applications to including a brief statement about why you are interested in taking on this challenge, and the experience and knowledge you would bring to the role.

Current Projects
Rover Challenge Fund
The Rover Challenge fund would replace the current framework for Crew Challenge. After discussion with Branches during an NRC workshop we believe we have collaborated and reached an agreement to move to grants style system for 2019; with the aim of engaging more Activity Groups of registered Rovers from around Australia and funding of worthwhile activities.
Activity Groups of registered Rovers wishing to have their initiatives funded would need to submit a tender, which must include a budget and a description of the activity, which is being run. NRC would decide on worthwhile tenders against a set of criteria, with up to $1,000 going towards the selected initiatives for every 6 months. The NRC will provide the payment to the Activity Groups upon selection of their activity. Activity Groups would be required to provide both a final report and invoices for the activity that a grant has been provided for. Unused funds and in the absence of quality tenders as decided by the NRC, Challenge grants can be rolled into the next half year period up to a limit of $5000.
World Moot 2029 Feasibility Investigation (Stage 1)
Length of term: 12 months
The NRC is seeking someone to investigate the fesability of hosting the 2029 World Rover Moot in Australia.
This IS NOT a tender application, just an investigation to see if we would have the support of the eight Scouts Australia branches and Scouts Australia nationally.
For more information please read the full position description below
PO – World Moot Feasibility Investigation (Stage 1)
Think you have what it takes?
Email applications to including a brief statement about why you are interested in taking on this challenge, and the experience and knowledge you would bring to the role. Applications close 11:59PM (AEST) on Sunday 23 June 2019.
Diversity and Inclusion Team Members
Length of term: 12 months
Expressions of interest:
The Australian community is incredibly diverse, though it is not fully reflected in the composition of Scouting in Australia.
To increase the inclusion and support of diverse communities within the Rover Scout section, the National Rover Council (NRC) has established a team to address current barriers to participation.
To support this, the team will create resources, analyse existing diversity and inclusion (D&I) frameworks, and develop possible solutions for issues relevant to the Rover Scout section. An action plan will be formed, and this will be key to developing the D&I direction of the Rover Scout section in Australia.
The group will liaise with Branches, Branch Rover Councils, Scouts Australia’s Diversity and Inclusion Team, and external agencies as required.
The working group will meet approximately every two months online, or as seen fit by the NRC Diversity & Inclusion Project Officer. The team will be in frequent contact to share ideas and keep up-to-date on projects underway.
Key areas which will be explored by the team may include:
- Issues of discrimination
- LGBTIQA+ community in Scouting
- Financial barriers to initial and sustained participation
- Disability access and inclusion
- Cultural engagement
- Issues related to mental health
- Gender balances in overall membership and decision-making bodies
- Establishing key issues
Team members should:
- Be effective communicators
- Have access to reliable internet
- Most importantly: be enthusiastic about improving D&I practices in the Rover Scouts section
If you don’t satisfy all the requirements, that’s okay! If you’re interested, please express your interest anyway – what we need is people who are passionate about D&I.
If you’re interested, or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Lucy (NRC Diversity & Inclusion Project Officer) at
Expressions of interest should be submitted to by 11:59pm on Sunday 24th March. Please include a brief statement, verbal or written (maximum 250 words) about why you are interested in being part of this group, and what you bring to the team.
Rover Service Award Honour Roll
Expected length of project: 2-4 months
To acknowledge the outstanding service of all Rover Service Award recipients across Australia, we are looking for someone to generate a national list of all recipients, using Branch records, and publish an honour roll on the Rovers Australia website.
Think you have what it takes?
Email applications to