Rover Scouts welcome young adults from 18 to 25 years of age. You don’t need to have any Scouting experience, but you do need to keep up with some adventurous people and their adrenaline-packed adventures!
A group of Rover Scouts is known as a “Unit”. Each Rover Unit is different, consisting of anywhere from a handful of members to 50 or more. Most Units meet weekly. A Units activities are planned and run by the Rover Scouts themselves – which means they are tailored to the requirements and interests of members.
Every Unit is different. Each has its own traditions, special interests and personalities. A Rover Unit runs itself, with an elected Unit Leader and executive.
Rover Scouts enjoy helping others, having a great time and taking on new challenges. You’ll need a ‘give it a go’ attitude and you’ll be rewarded with some serious fun.