
The core of the program. Rover Scouts participate, assist and lead activities as part of the unit program to progress this three stage badge.
This badge is the structure of the unit program and encourages an engaged unit
Special Interest Areas

Rover Scouts explore existing and find new interests across six separate categories including
- Adventure & Sport
- Arts & literature
- Creating a better world
- Environment
- Growth & Development
- STEM & Innovation
These each take 18 hours to complete as a Rover Scout.
These badges allow Rover Scouts to develop and follow interests as well as learn many new things.
Outdoor Adventure Skills

These badges show Rover Scouts progression through adventurous activities. Learning key skills, knowledge and giving these activities a go.
There are plenty to choose from not limited to bush walking, camping, canyoning, caving, kayaking, canoeing and in the later stage activities such as white water rafting, wind surfing or snowbording.
Baden-Powell Scout Award Scheme

After completing many badges and the required activities a Rover is awarded the peak award known in Rover Scouts as the Baden Powell Scout Award.
The badge symbolises significant progress as a Rover Scout and shows that you have really learned many different skills and knowledge through your Scouting Journey
The flexibility of the BPSA allows the highest possible personal standard to be set by the individual undertaking the award with the consultation of their Unit. This occurs through the individual consulting and discussing each phase of the award scheme with their to ensure that the target set is of a challenging personal standard and meets the requirements of the BPSA.
BPSA Support Team
For more information on the BPSA Support Team in your Branch, contact your Branch Rover Council.
Rover Service Award

The Rover Service Award is the highest good service award that Rovers can to supporters of the Rover section. The Rover Service Award is awarded to people that have provided excellent service, support, and dedication to the Rover section over an extended period of time. In some states, the award is known by other names. Each Branch Rover Council has the right to use an individual additional name for the award; but the criteria is nationally standardised.
There are many people who have made a great contribution to Rovering at a local, regional, state, and or, national level. If you would like to nominate someone for the Rover Service Award, contact your Branch for more information on correcting nomination procedure and nomination opening and closing dates.
- The minimum length of service necessary to fulfill the qualifying period should be 5 years for Rover Scouts and 10 years for Uniformed Members / Supporters.
- The length of service necessary to fulfill the qualifying period should take into consideration any involvement the individual may have had in other Branches.
- As this is specifically a Rover Scout Award, only service to the Rover Section can be considered. Service to other Sections will not assist a nomination.
- Nominations must remain confidential and must not be discussed, either with the nominee or as part of the agenda at an open meeting.
- Where a Rover Scout continues to provide outstanding service to the Section in an advisory position, the period of service whilst a Rover will count towards their eligibility.
Branch Name Variants
- New South Wales- Stan Bales Rover Service Award
- South Australia- Henry Rymill Award
- Victoria- W.F. Waters Award
- Westurn Australia – Ian Jennings Rover Service Award
How do I nominate someone?
Use the links below to contact the relevant Branch Rover Council or fill in their nomination form:
Scouts of the World Award

The Scouts of the World Award (SoW) is an award developed by WOSM which provides Rover Scouts with the chance to provide a better world through the three main challenges of the Millennium Development Goals:
- Peace
- Development
- Environment
The SoW can be completed in partnership with the BPSA or the World Scout Environment Badge as long as the appropriate approvals for each of the awards has been received.
- Exploring: What is the issue/problem about?
- Responding: What does it mean for me? This should include developing a feeling of personal commitment towards the issue/problem.
- Taking Action: What can I do? Develop a personal project of action which contributes to solving the problem.
Voluntary Service
National Quality Rovering Award

Rover Scouts should strive to have an engaging and diverse program. The Quality Rovering Award is a framework with which to award Rover Units who uphold this standard, and to give a structure for all Rover Units to strive towards.
Additional Details
As part of this award, the Unit should construct and submit a log book with the application for the award. The log book should be a record of your Unit’s activities for the year and contain as many photos as possible. It should be at least 6 pages including photos.
This award should be assessed by a panel within the relevant Branch Council. Units that qualify for the Quality Rovering Award will be presented the award at the Branch AGM or awards dinner by the State Commissioner for Rovers or their delegate. A certificate will be given to the Unit and each Unit member shall receive a badge that can be worn on their uniform.
- A responsible Rover Adviser or Unit leader
- Crew leader has completed their Basic Training, with other members of the Unit encouraged to complete their training as well
- Retention of 70% of Unit members under 25 from one year to the next, and net growth in the crew by 10%.
- Metropolitan Units should have at least ten (10) members and regional Units should have at least five (5) members – Unit status to be determined by Branch
- 25% activities away from the Den, 2/3 of these not run by the Region or Branch Rover Council.
- Ten (10) nights out or 5 overnight activities.
- One (1) activity with the Group, if Rover Unit is not associated with the group then a District, Zone, Region or State activity which has participation with members from at least 2 other sections.
- Four (4) activities with local Venturer Units.
- Two (2) community involvement activities, one of these must be outside of the Scouting movement.
- Active involvement in 2/3 of Region or Branch if you do not have a Region Rover Councils and the AGM.
- A diverse program with activities from all SPICES areas.
- The Unit executive should meet at least quarterly to discus issues of importance of the Unit.
- If a Unit satisfies these criteria for the awarding of the QRA, the application for the award, along with the appropriate documentation needs to be presented to their respective Branch Rover Council.
All documentation needs to be signed by:
1. Unit Leader
2. Rover Adviser (if applicable)
3. Regional Rover Council Chairman (if applicable)
4. Regional Commissioner (if applicable)